Lost Season 5 Finale [Idiot Box]


Wow, what a crazy season it’s been! The finale went and blew away everything we’d all been expecting. Who could have guessed that the final episode would be Jacob-centric? What the heck happened? Where is this going next year?

It’s the home stretch for Lost. Sixteen episodes left and you can bet that Abrams, Cuse, and Lindelof know that there’s no more space for filler. It’s balls-to-the-wall time.

I have to admit that I didn’t guess that Locke was the body in the crate, but I knew it was someone. What I did know was that Locke was somehow being manipulated by Jacob’s nemesis (hereafter known as Esau, cause, why not?) because, as a bunch of characters have stated, dead is dead, even though it really isn’t. What does it mean that Ben killed Jacob? What will happen to the island now?

I’m 99% sure that the bomb Juliet managed to detonate at the Swan will not eradicate the future. That would invalidate the recent murder of Jacob and I don’t think the show wants that to happen so soon. I predict that the bomb and the electromagnetic energy will combine in some way to just send them somewhere else in time. I don’t think that the Lost folk would want to sacrifice Juliet, Miles, Hurley, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Jin to this, although they might :sob: keep Juliet dead.

No, I don’t think they will erase the five seasons before it and start anew, although that would be pretty ballsy, wouldn’t it? For the show to just throw away everything that’s already happened, start from status quo ante collisio (fragor is supposedly Latin for crash, but it’s also Latin for crack, so it could be just the sound…I’ll use the Latin word for collision instead) and go from there in what is turning out to be the epic struggle between Jacob and Esau.

Just when you think you’ve got it figured out, they elevate things higher. You go from it being about Widmore and Ben to this new conflict.

Things we learned:

– Jacob interacted with most of the main characters
– He did not interact with anyone currently dead on the island, Juliet, Rose, Bernard, Lapidus, Miles, or Ben, that we know of
– He physically touched each one of them in some way at pivotal moments in their lives
– He was unable to be killed directly by Esau
– Esau is able to assume forms. We can probably assume that he was the Alex who commanded Ben and that he might be the smoke monster, another creature known to assume forms (Christian, a spider, the horse, Locke, Walt, Mr. Eko’s brother Yemi)
– Richard Alpert probably came to the island on the Black Rock
– Someone hijacked Jacob’s cabin. Since it’s not Jacob and since Christian has appeared in there, it’s probably Esau
– I think Ilana is another ageless one like Richard. Either that or she knows about Richard from Jacob. Since they’re both servants of Jacob, I’m going to assume the former.

Things We Still Don’t Know:

– Why does the statue foot only have four toes?
– Why the ancient Egyptian motif?
– Where the heck is Claire?
– What happened to the people in 1977? Quick aside: it’s pretty clear that Jack did what he was supposed to do and as Miles said in causing the incident. The fact that Dr. Chang got his hand impaled supports this, since it probably wouldn’t have happened that way without Jack and the gang showing up and shooting the place up. The environmental dangers on the island probably stem from fallout of some type. This is probably why babies die on the island too.
– What is Jacob?
– How is Richard Alpert kept alive?
– Will dead Jacob mean aging Alpert?

That’s all I can think of right now. Too bad we have to wait for January to see the next one.





2 responses to “Lost Season 5 Finale [Idiot Box]”

  1. Eric Mesa Avatar

    We already discussed the whole time paradox thing OTR. Instead of replicating it, I’ll just say – I’ll keep watching this blog to see what happens.

    Also, Jacob/Esau – awesome. This is why all kids need at least a literary instruction in the Bible.

  2. Dan Avatar

    It might be too obvious to actually name him Esau. We’ll see what the writers actually do.

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