What I’m Watching [IB]

7/365 - laziness

Been watching lots of TV lately. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s been on the box this week:

30 Clubs in 30 Days:

MLB Network continues its annual preview of all 30 MLB teams this year like it has for the past two. This time we’ve got slightly fancier tech for showing off prospects in studio and a neat little postcard thing at the end to summarize their feelings about the team, but not much has changed (and I’m ok with that). Coverage of the Florida Marlins airs on Saturday, but I’ll be down in DC watching Maz Jobrani do his thing. Thank god for DVRs.


The much anticipated(?) debut of Glee‘s original music happened this week at Regionals. I’ve been on record as saying that there’s nothing worse than Glee doing original songs. Realistically, all I mean is that the songs will not be anywhere near as good as (many) of the songs they already do on the show. Turns out that I was right. See, the problem with the songs that they seriously wrote to perform (as opposed to the funny reject songs) is that they are machine-built (so to speak) to appeal to the mass market (read: tweens). They are unoffensive, but unimpressive and kind of trite. Kind of reminds me of High School Musical, but a little better.

On the licensed music front, I did love Kurt singing “Blackbird”. Aside from the terribly ham-fisted implementation of “Imagine”, Kurt has received the honor of singing Beatles songs in Glee (the only other one would be “I Want to Hold Your Hand”, but still) and I liked the implication that “ITtHYH” was a connection that Kurt shared with his dad that might have also led to a love of The Beatles. This could just be idle speculation, but we’ll see if my Kurt-sings-songs-by-The-Beatles-because-of-his-dad hypothesis rings true the next time a classic Beatles tune makes it into the show.


When I saw the first episode of this show I remember being somewhat unimpressed with the love interest characters they’d introduced for Raylen. Since then Ava and Winona have so charmed me with their characterization, acting, and Southern accents that I can’t remember ever thinking that they weren’t right for the part.

It’s easy to dismiss Justified as a “hillbilly redneck show” that would hold no interest over viewers not from the South, but I’m hooked. FX has certainly started some sort of cable network TV renaissance and I’m definitely grateful


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