Tag: sexy videogameland

  • 8-Bits Never Rocked So Hard: Anamanaguchi [Feedback]

    Kids are stupid. It’s really not their fault, how can they know anything about the important things in life without any real-life experience. Take my music-habits as a kid as a prime example. It’s not like I was listening to The Wiggles or anything so terrible, but among the real musical gems that I was […]

  • Game Overview Special Tuesday Edition: Obsessive 100%

    If any of you clicked over to Leigh’s post at Sexy Videogameland about obsessively completing games, then you already know where I’m about to go with this post. If you didn’t, here’s yet another link. Call it a personality disorder, but I have an obsessive need to unlock the full 100% potential for video games […]

  • Sony: Persona 3: FES and SVL

    I totally forgot that I was meaning to post this great article I read over at Sexy Videogameland by Leigh Alexander about obsessive video game playing and Persona 3: FES. What are you waiting for? Click the link…