Tag: paul rudd

  • What I’ve Been Doing 23 Jan 2012 [FB/IB/F/BT/GO]

    Movies Evangelion 1.11 – Min has never seen Evangelion all the way through, so I figured the movies would be the best/easiest way to watch them. Ip Man – I ran into this movie as a “Watch It Again” recommendation on Netflix, so I thought I’d show Min the aggressively pro-Chinese/anti-Japanese parts because I find […]

  • What I’ve Been Doing 12 Dec 2011 [FB/IB/F/BT/GO]

    My brief movie vacation wasn’t willingly imposed, guys. I was just waiting for Netflix to finally send one of the movies at the top of my queue to me. Let’s see if they can keep this up… Movies Our Idiot Brother – Paul Rudd was surprisingly good in this. This movie is not laugh out […]