Tag: bcs

  • BCS Love [Embedded Reporter]

    Deep from the trenches, it’s time for your Monday video feature: Embedded Reporter. This is pretty much how I feel about the BCS too. Watch through some Weekend Update stuff before getting to the good stuff.

  • BCS Championship Game [Embedded Reporter]

    Deep from the trenches, it’s time for your Monday video feature: Embedded Reporter. Ah! The BCS Championship Game was so good. 24-14! Check out these great highlights and scoring plays from the game, it’s just like having watched the game!

  • BCS Championship! [Wednesday Morning Quarterback]

    You’ve probably heard the saying that hindsight is 20/20 on Monday morning, so just imagine how well I can call ’em two days later on Wednesday. That’s right, it’s time for Wednesday Morning Quarterback, your weekly sports round-up. Yeah, yeah, I know I just said that this feature might go on hiatus until spring, but […]