Month: March 2009
30 March 2009 Web Gems [WMQ]
Everyone loves web gems, it’s an immutable fact of life. In honor of that fact, I’d like to start posting the gems of the day on the blog as often as I can, hopefully daily. I have no idea if ESPN will keep these videos up beyond this season, but until then, hopefully plenty of […]
Price Drop [Sony]
Oh man! Amazing! Sony finally dropped the price of the…PS2? Yeah, it makes no real sense to me either, at least not when you look at the serious problems that Sony’s been having with the PS3 since launch. Yeah, they’ve got that whole ten-year plan going for the PS2, but one would think that they […]
The Villains of Final Fantasy Week 11 [Game Overview]
Insert another credit, because it’s time for your weekly video game news and you’ve just hit the Game Overview screen. With every Final Fantasy game there exists great (and not so great) teams of heroes bent on saving the world from some sort of evil force. While we could take a look at those heroes, […]
GDC News [Game Overview]
Not as much Fat Princess news as I would have liked so far, but we’ve had a lot of Nintendo news hit the wire. First we’ve got the announcement that the SD card slot has finally been unlocked on the Wii, despite Nintendo’s initial, strong reluctance to do so. This will definitely help with storage […]
WBC Results [Wednesday Morning Quarterback]
You’ve probably heard the saying that hindsight is 20/20 on Monday morning, so just imagine how well I can call ’em two days later on Wednesday. That’s right, it’s time for Wednesday Morning Quarterback, your weekly sports round-up. Those of you who were already watching the tournament know that the game between Japan and Cuba […]
L4D GDC News [Game Overview]
Left 4 Dead Survival DLC pack out next month! It’s supposedly coming out on 21 April and will allow you to play VS mode on the remaining two maps or an infinite zombie wave mode where survival’s the name of the game. Left 4 Dead was easily my favorite game of last year and it’s […]
Great Dwarf Fortress Stories [PC]
Borrowed from After Action Reporter on why people should play Dwarf Fortress: The best answer, I believe, is presented by Damien Neil from over on, read on… I built an arena. A pit on the bottom level for the contestants. On the next level up, seats for the spectators, with a pair of thrones […]
Recession Gaming: Dwarf Fortress [Game Overview]
Insert another credit, because it’s time for your weekly video game news and you’ve just hit the Game Overview screen. We’re gonna take a quick break from talking about Final Fantasy villains until I take some time to figure out how I’m gonna tackle XI and instead talk about the game that kept me up […]