Chew: Two Issues In [BT]


With indie comics you almost never know what you’re gonna get. The premise to Chew seemed interesting, but would it be a gritty crime comic or would it be lighthearted and fun?

The bizarre, quasi-cannibalistic premise allowed for it to go either way, but I think this plot point cements the tone.

You see, the FDA has outlawed poultry because of bird flu (some think it’s a conspiracy). That is why Tony Chu is staking out a chicken speakeasy working for the vice squad and why the FDA has become some kind of FBI-analog in this world.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s still a lot of dark humor in this book. Tony has eaten flesh from at least two people in the first two issues, but it stays just shy of truly gross with its goofy art style.

I’m very intrigued. Can’t wait to get more reading in. This book has a lot of promise.






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