Embedded Reporter: Play!

Deep from the trenches, it’s time for your Monday video feature: Embedded Reporter.

Went and saw “Play! A Video Game Symphony” at the end of the last week and I have to say it was pretty cool. Some of the music didn’t do much for me :cough: Super Shinobi :cough:, but a lot of the stuff, even games I didn’t care about, was pretty awesome.

There was one disappointment with the end of the Metal Gear Solid piece. I’ve seen these other symphony programs do better and not leave out the last, heroic guitar part at the end. Granted, it’s only about ten seconds of music, but it’s an awesome ten seconds. Check out the legit MGS version that I was hoping for:

To be fair, I’ve been both thinking about it and listening to some versions of the MGS theme and I think that the Play! guys did the original MGS theme while this video is kind of for the MGS3 theme. Also, don’t get me wrong, it was still awesome.


One response to “Embedded Reporter: Play!”

  1. Eric Avatar

    I think it’s funny how everyone was laughing at the Shinobi story. Also, Danielle told me, “This music is too serious for this game.”

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